Macquarie University

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2019: Where does a PhD take you in 2019?


Dr. Alexandre Lehmann will be visiting Macquarie University and Cochlear during February and March and has generously offered to give a lecture on where a PhD can take you.

Alexandre is located within the Centre for Research on Brain Language and Music (CRBLM) at McGill University and has a strong interest in building the career development capabilities and employability of HDR candidates - Master of Research & PhD.

Apart from the 20% who become academic professors/researchers, what do the majority of PhDs actually end up doing? What are the competencies acquired by PhDs and how do they align with job market needs?

Based on expertise in training and hiring PhDs in North America and Europe, Alexandre will discuss how this impacts best practices for PhD career management in the twenty-first century.

 Please note: We have the lecture theatre for one hour only and following the lecture, Alexandre will be available in the area outside the lecture theatre from 1.00 to 1.30pm

Date: Friday 01 March 2019
Time: 12:00 PM to 01:30 PM

GR Supervisors

Mid Career/Senior Researchers

Graduate Research Students

Early Career Researchers

Venue: Aust Hearing Hub Lecture Theatre Level 1
Facilitator(s): Dr Alexandre Lehmann McGill University Canada
Registration for this workshop is not open.